Sunday 6 March 2016

My Mummy

Today is something called Mothers Day. I heard my Daddies talking about it. One Daddy went to see his mummy when she now rests and my other Daddy went to the shop to get some flowers for his mummy.

Hearing all this talk about mummies made me a bit sad as I've not seen my mummy in such a long time and I miss her and my brothers and sisters.

Don't get me wrong I'm so glad I live here but I still miss them.

I then heard River sighing, laid out in Daddies arms in the window  and I turned to smile at her, that's when I realised.

I might not be with my birth mummy but I've got my own mummy right here, right under my nose. From the second I arrived here there she was, looking out and protecting me, my best friend and playmate. She'd cuddle up with me at every opportunity and when I longed for my mothers milk she offered herself up. It was comforting and I felt safe and loved and know she looks out for me and loves me more that I could ever have imagined.

Yes I've got my mummy right here with me now, and I love so love her.

Happy Mother's Day Mummy x

Cats and Dogs - Another Side