Monday 11 November 2013

Brave Cat

Daddy has just told me the most extraordinary story. He's been upstairs all day with River, yes River was allowed in the office all day. I think it was because she was bugging me this morning and I didn't fancy going up in the office so he took her there.

Even though I didn't want to go in I wasn't too sure how I felt about River taking me spot but I guess as long as it's not an everyday occurrence I can live with it.

Anyway when he came down I think he wanted to make it up to me and so he told me a story that he'd read today. There was this cat called Hades and his family was invaded me a very dangerous spider. What did that brave cat do, well he only took it on to protect his family. He did get bit which wasn't a great state of affairs and he was very ill for two days until he got all better. Daddy showed me a picture of him, must say not too different looking from me, maybe he's a distant relation?

Thank goodness he's OK and I've never heard of a cat being attacked by a spider before but as for the bravery of a cat, that doesn't surprise me, it's amazing what we are capable of when cornered!