Tuesday 6 August 2013

Up To Something

Spits up to something, which judging him by his actions he knows he shouldn't do doing.

I'm up with Daddy in the office, it's an early start today, he was beavering away so much he didn't notice that I'd snuck in with him and got myself settled behind the curtain so I could get a good look at everything that's going on outside.

Not much to report apart from Spit sniffing around Mogsie and Twizzle's front door, then he ran across to do the same to Tiny's door and then ran across to E's to do the same.

Daddy says when he was talking to M last week they thought that maybe Spit was a stray, didn't have anywhere permanently to live, I think they might be correct, could explain why he fell in with The New Cat Crew and got himself into all that trouble.