Friday 19 July 2013

Us Cats Are Really Clever Creatures You Know

Us cats really are clever creatures you know. Although it is hard for us when a sudden heatwave hits we adapt our routine quite well, the cats of Catworld have shifted around our clocks and are getting out and about much earlier on.

Emma's been loving the gentle breeze on her garage roof.

George has been frolicking on the grass, try laying on the ground before the sun warms it up, I tell you it's like a mini ice bath without the dreaded water.

Mogsie is back under his favourite tree having a little snooze.

And the lighter Naughty Twin is keeping cool just wandering around all over the place, she can never settle for long that one. Come 9am I know everyone will have disappeared before it gets too hot, Daddy said it's gonna be another scorcher, I'm going to go back to bed in the dressing room, it's the coolest room upstairs.