Saturday 31 January 2015

I Need To Find A Way In

Everyone's been asleep all day today, it was a very late night. 
Daddies cousin came to stay and they sat up chatting and watching TV till very late. getting progressively noisier. I wouldn't mind but they kept me up to, I think I know all the words to the film they were watching, I should do, Daddy sang them all, in ever accent.

Today therefore turned into a duvet day. I think according to Daddy I had a lot to do with that, getting them up three hours after they went to bed, I don't see why my breakfast should be late just because they decided to get a bit over excited, I have a schedule to keep, things to do, plans to play.
Mind you I'm very tired myself now and that duvet Daddy has spread out on the floor looks very inviting, I just need to find a way in, wrapping it tightly around his body, that's no barrier, not for me at least!