Monday 28 April 2014

Doublay Needs Our Help, Urgently!

Disappears Daddy has been home all day today, I think he's got a couple of days off because of his birthday and we've all just been relaxing, as it turned out it's been a bit of a blessing.

I was sitting up with Stay Daddy and River in the window watching a pair of the Wood Pigeons having a bit of a kiss, the pair of love birds, when Disappears spotted something out of the window.

Doublay was crossing the road and he looked in a terrible state, his fur all patchy and he does not look well. Either he's been attacked or he's been sleeping rough or he's just very ill.

Stay Daddy ran out to the front door and called out to him while River ran up and down the window ledge barking helping him out.

Stay then ran out to the kitchen while Disappears kept an eye on Doublay and came back in with a plate of meat which he took out to try and tempt Doublay over so he could take a closer look.

Sadly he didn't hear though and carried on walking down the road.

We're all on look out now though in case he turns back up, the plate of meat ready by the front door.

Oh George please come around so I can tell you what's going on, Doublay needs our help, urgently!