Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Battle Outside Last Night

I'm very confused.
The battle outside last night went on for ages. Even though the back door window was locked it's been known for River to use her sheer will power to force her way through so I decided to stay inside and keep an eye on her. 
There wasn't much that I could do, not as things are now, only George can properly hear me and he can't stay anything of any sense at the moment.

This morning I was up early going outside to see what carnage was waiting for me but surprisingly there was no devastation, everything looked like it did yesterday.
Now it's not that that's confusing me, no it's the fact that Doublay is on sunshine shed with both the Naughty Twins and they all appear to be very chummy. Not what I was expecting at all.

I was trying to listen in to what they were all talking about but then River came out all noisy and they all ran off. Things are most definitely not what they seemed!

Cats and Dogs - From The Other Side