Monday 3 March 2014

Rivers Songs - My First Winter. Available now!

March 3rd and 4th
(applies to and

Available on 

River, a cheeky and mischievous 8 week old Shih Tzu puppy, says goodbye to her family on the coast and moves inland to begin the next fun-filled chapter of her life. Her wide eyed enthusiasm for adventure and her excitement at exploring this new world is shared with Nadia, an independent tortoise with a love for running, and Lil' a kind but cautious cat, both totally unaware that their settled lives were about to be transformed with the arrival of trouble! 

No one knew exactly what to expect but it wasn't long before everyone was learning that River wasn't just a cute, inquisitive, bundle of fun, she brought with her a special kind of magic, a magic that touched everyone she met, a magic that changed lives!

These are Rivers songs to the world, a place where all are invited to enter the world of River, Nadia and Lil' and discover their own special kind of magic too!

Rivers Songs, Tales of a Teddy Bear - My First Winter, introduces River to her new extended family who would become her guardians, her friends, her teachers and students and join in with River’s wonderment of her first Winter, Christmas, snow and taste of love!

Rivers Songs, Tales of a Teddy Bear - My First Winter is the first of 4 volumes exploring Rivers first year of her new life through the seasons. Great for adults, children, animal lovers and if you just fancy having a bit of a laugh at a silly little puppy!

Coming Soon...