Friday 19 April 2013

Roll On The Weekend

Yeah it's Friday at last it's been a long boring week and finally the weekend is nearly here. I'm so glad it means both the daddies are around to give me lots of attention and to keep River occupied and out of my way.

I'm up with daddy in the office again after being chucked out earlier for walking all over him as he was trying to work. I slipped back in very quietly when he popped out to go to the bathroom, if I stay really still I think I can stay.

I'm here waiting for either Sarah or George to appear so I can talk to them about what's going on with all this fuss with the buried treasures but so far no one's come out so I decided to have a little look at how the Little Lemon Tree is doing. Very well I must say, for once daddy hasn't managed to kill off a plant he is trying to grow. Hopefully it won't be long before we get some home grown lemons although I've no idea how long these things take to mature. Roll on the weekend!