Wednesday 16 July 2014

Help Me, Come And Find Me!

He's spoken, LUM has spoken again!
I was just watching River chasing Sarah across the back of the wall and laughing to myself at how confused she was because Daddy had rebuilt the wall at the back and she couldn't get that extra few centimeters of chase when;

Help me!  

Came from the Easter Island Head. Quick as a flash I jumped up;

How can we help you? What do we need to do?

Help me! Come and find me, you've seen me but I can't see you anymore!

And the voice faded out. 

My catty powers kicked in, I knew where she was meaning when she said I'd seen her, The Lane of Bells, it was the same voice I heard when George and I went there but I know we can't go back, we was warned by Troy Lamore that was not the way.

Oh this was terrible, so near and yet so far away. Luckily I spotted the lighter Naughty Twin enjoying some time in the sun on her shed and ran over to her and told her what had just happened. I didn't want to leave our Queen in case she spoke through LUM again and so the lighter Naughty Twin said she would go and find Mogsie and Doublay as quickly as possible and let them know what was happening. Our Queen is coming, but she needs our help, she sounded so distressed.

Cats and Dogs - From The Other Side