Tuesday 1 July 2014

Let's Wind Up The Dogs!

We've all been up very early this morning, Disappears Daddy is really getting into some project elsewhere but none of us mind, it means we're catching the beautiful weather as soon as we can. 

I was sitting down with Stay Daddy and River who is enjoying barking at the backdoor, she's keen to get out and have a chat with her friends over the fence, when I spotted Mogsie and the darker Naughty Twin having a deep conversation over the road.

I'm not sure exactly what they were talking about but all of a sudden the darker Naughty Twin got up, nodded, headed over the garage and over their back fence and then all of a sudden the dog that lives over the back of them started barking furiously. 

Ah I see it's a cat fun day, let's wind up the dogs!